Thursday, June 23, 2011

A Heavy Package

My mom's package came in the mail today. Well it is for my kids but it came from my mom. It had a load of cute baby clothes, including some stuff from Carter's. Most of it is winter clothes but I love the summer stuff she sent as well. She even sent Angel a scooter.

My brother in law put it together because I had no idea what the instructions were asking me to do. Meanwhile, Angel played upstairs with his dad so he didn't even know that the thing inside of the spider man box was a toddler scooter. He just thought it was an empty box.  So I decided to place the scooter on the porch until he came back downstairs.

When I called him down he said "Where's my box?" I said "Right there" indicating the box all of the stuff came in. He said "No that's my garage! Where's my spider man box?" I said "I threw it in the trash it was bent." He was sort of disappointed but he said "Oh.." and moved on.

I got him dressed in some new clothes he had gotten in the package and told him to put on his shoes. When that was all done he was ready to go outside. When he went outside to the porch he saw the contents of the box....the scooter and started jumping around and was so happy.

He grabbed me and said "We have to ride this we have to now" but I had to attend to the baby so I said "Just wait" then he remembered he needed his Spider Man helmet so he asked me to grab that. By the time I grabbed the baby and the helmet it started to rain.

I said "Oh its just a little drizzle! Let's try this scooter." So I showed him how to use it and told him to try it. He tried it but he couldn't seem to manage the concept of gliding one foot back while keeping one foot intact on the board.

Soon the rain came pouring down so we rushed inside.

I grabbed Angel's scooter and told him he could practice in the living room. However, its just not as fun to ride indoors.

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